“This would be a great gift for so many people. Parents can play the DVD’s before and during naptime to soothe their young children (and themselves). For older students students, the DVD’s would be a calming influence while studying…Recommended for all ages. This would be especially appropriate for someone who’s responsibilities or health keeps them close to home.”
-Awareness Magazine
“I have been using your DVD’s during my sensory stimulation classes as a tool to reach those residents we have in our Alzheimer’s Unit. The change in their daily routine has improved dramatically. Thank you!”
-Marco Villegas, Adminstrator Sunrise Homes Senior Living
“While viewing SeaScapes, I became acutely aware of how much quicker it is to ramp down into relaxation. This concrete visual form of imagery, with the soothing music or the actual environmental sound of the ocean or several other choices one may make on the DVD, can be an asset to one’s goal of learning to relax. I am definitely going to recommend this DVD to my patients.”
-Steven C. Kassel, MFT, BCIA-c Past President of the Biofeedback Society of California
“When I need an instant Escape from my hectic schedule, I turn on my TV and watch my seascapes DVD. I’m immediately taken on a relaxing trip. The waves crashing on the rocks combined with the soothing guitar helps me to focus my thoughts, breathe deeply and unwind. Every household can benefit from this DVD Series.”
-Jodi Winicour Physical Therapist, Lymphedema Specialist
“When I first put the SeaScapes DVD into the player and sat back to view it I was not sure how my TV, which is so often blaring junk at me, could really be a conduit for relaxation. Boy was I surprised! I felt all the worries and thoughts of the day lift off me as my attention focused on the sight and sound of real oceans, birds calling, nature sounds seeming to fill my living room and I was transported to a meditative, alpha state within minutes of starting the DVD. For those who find it difficult to wind down and meditate, the mesmerizing quality of these TV ArtScapes DVD’s is a must-have tool!”
-Katherine Wagner, C.Ht. Certified Hypnotherapist
“I leave SeaScapes running on my TV for hours while I write in my home office, for the beautiful images and soothing sounds of nature and music make me feel like I have an office with an ocean view even though I’m really miles from the beach!”
– Melissa L. Pilgrim Screenwriter